Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Welcome to my new blog

Hi, and welcome to my new blog. As I get older, menopausal, hot flashes etc., I find myself focusing more on being healthy and improving my quality of life. During my many years as a registered nurse, I have worked with my patients to improve their health. More often I found myself references herbs and more natural sources as the treatment of choice. I fought it of course; I am a medical professional, and therefore had to be loyal to the medical field. But there was no denying the results I saw after the use of natural herbs or specific diets.

My earliest recollection of an interest in natural health stems from watching my grandmother, Amelida, treat all types of ailments using natural herbs grown in her garden at the back of her house. Over the years I continued to learn more from my sister Karan who was smart enough to learn many of "Granny's" natural healing tips.

I eventually gave in, and started to study natural health and healing; which led me to start my business 'A Touch of New Health'. My goal is to help as many as possible realize a better quality of life. God made the body to heal itself and as we tap into that knowledge we can achieve improved health and healing naturally. As a nurse, my purpose is not to ignore conventional medicine, but to compliment it.


  1. Excellent Candia.
    That is the best way to go and I'm happy you've 'taken the plunge'
    It will be worth.
    God has indeed provided us with everything we need to be healthy without all the chemicals.

  2. I owe a great deal of gratitude to my sister Karan, who encouraged me to pursue my passion. She has overcome severe medical conditions and now enjoys a better quality of life, by using natural herbs and making diet changes.
    It would surprise many to know of simple natural remedies for problems like recurrent colds to rheumatoid arthritis; even diabetes, high blood pressure and for us mature girls, yes, even menopausal symptoms. I know most people are skeptical, and I understand completely. It took me a while to decide to follow my heart in this direction. Once I started seeing results, I could not deny that natural healing is available, and without the many side effects of most conventional drugs.

  3. Another important aspect of 'A Touch of New Health' is being a 'Life Coach'. What is that? Well, as a registered nurse, having worked in various areas of nursing, and with a diverse population, I've studied what makes life 'tick' for some and not for others. Can a marriage be saved; should it be saved? How do you improve relationships between couples, parents and children, employer and employee; co-workers, even friends? These are some of the issues we are faced with on a daily basis. Believe it or not, there are solutions; sometimes its right infront of us. As a Life Coach, I assist individuals/couples in examining what the problems are, and discuss ways to work through and improve the situations.
