Friday, April 17, 2009


Everyone is feeling the pressure of the 'recession.' So many have lost jobs, or had their hours cut; subsequently they are losing their homes also. Is the stimulus helping? Not sure, since I haven't got any of it. So how do we deal with this so called recession? We need to be creative in cutting back on everything. 'Dollar Tree' is pretty much the recession friend; don't be ashamed to go there. You can get everything from toilet paper to dish washing soap to 'salmon' there. Yep, I did say salmon; I was shocked myself to see it, but it looked good - like any other frozen fish in the supermarket. Did not taste it yet; I was shopping with someone who did not want to go in alone; but I plan to try it soon.
Money issues are breaking up relationships, families and even friendships. Are you handling the stress; what are some ways you can deal with these issues. Lets talk; you'll be surprised how doable it is. It will take work of course, but it's worth it.

1 comment:

  1. That is soo true .. there was a time when going to the Dollar Tree was a bad thing, but now I think it is where smart people go. Someone once told me "some things should only be a dollar" and now I am starting to see that that makes sense.

    Money is important but I believe it is not all there is to life and living. There real things in life are love and peace, which is what we should all strive for each day!

    Thanks Candia for having this wonderful blog!
