Saturday, April 11, 2009

Life Coaching

Did anyone see Oprah's show on Thursday, April 9th? Her guess speaker was Dr. Bergman, a sex therapist. Dr. Bergman encouraged a mother to have "the talk" about sex with her 10 year old daughter. The daughter had been asking questions about "the talk". Gail King, Oprah's friend, along with many mothers were all 'freaking out.' Seriously, can you see yourself talking about sex with a ten year old, son or daughter? What about the "M" word; masturbation. According to Dr. Bergman, parents should not only speak with their kids about it, but encourage them to do it. I know some are fainting, having chest pains or even on their knees, hands folded in prayer, going: "O Lord, have mercy." But is Dr. Bergman completely off or can you see the wisdom in handling these topics early and at home, instead of letting the children pick it up from friends or movies? Maybe we can avoid some sexual deviations or relationship problems as they continue to grow. This is important, so jump in with your comments.
That is part of what I explore with my clients as a life coach. The goal is to shape our lives and our children to be healthier, more productive parts of a society. I'm sure everyone knows that putting off having "the talk," does not mean we are shielding our children. They will hear all about it at school, play dates or in church (YES!) The information may not always be correct though and by then it may be too late for us to shape their minds.
So, what is the best time/age/place to handle "the talk"? How do we deal with the questions after they have already had the "street version"? Let me help you explore these and other questions as your life coach. Together we can prepare our children and even ourselves to deal with these and many other of life's perplexing and stressful issues.

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