Monday, April 20, 2009


This is exciting! I joined 'twitter' which is almost like blogging, and am following Oprah Winfrey. After all this time of being teased by my kids, I finally joined the 21st century of 'texting', 'blogging' and 'twittering'. I like Oprah, because she is also really passionate about living a 'quality of life'. Her bio is "live your best life". I believe this ties right in to my passion for natural health, healing and life coaching.
Oprah's twitter message today said she had planned to do a show on the Columbine shooting - it's 10 years later - I can hardly believe it. She decided to pull the show and do something else because she believes it focused too much on the gunmen. How sensitive to the needs of the victims and their families. I thought that was so thoughtful of her. I definitely believe the focus should be those who were affected and still are.
You can go to MSN news to see an update on the survivors and their families. They have moved on and are living life, but will forever be affected by those events 10 years ago. How does one move on after tragedy? Everyone is his/her own way; but I know that a belief in God and His word is key to a successful recovery.

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