Thursday, April 9, 2009

Lifestyle Changes

A Touch of New Health is all about lifestyle changes. As I got older, I noticed my hair would thin out and break. The hairstyles went from braids to relaxer to trimmed and now pretty short as I work out treating it and helping it grow back naturally of course. (Well, for now anyway :-) Menopause hit me like a ton of bricks. Whoa!!! What is that fire I feel running through my body? I felt like I was burning up from the inside out, and from the top of my head to the soles of my feet. Once when I was at the beauty shop, the beautician stopped suddenly and looked at me. "Are you alright?" she asked. "Sure," I answered; "why?" "Your head just got really hot, like its on fire", she stated. I laughed. "O, that; I'm just flashing", I replied. "Wow" was her startled response; "its that bad?" "Yep."
As those flashes became more frequent and intense, I knew I had to find some relief. My gynecologist said, she could prescribe HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy), but one of the side effects was cancer. What a side effect huh? After months of research I found effective relief using natural remedies without the side effects.
Another health issue started one day when I woke up with a terrible headache, and felt sick pretty much all day. When I also started having chest pains, I checked my blood pressure - 'HELLO'! 160/130. I had never had high blood pressure, but it runs in my family. I went to ER; well my husband and sister Kathleen, aka Kathee, (who happened to be visiting at the time), practically dragged me there. (LOL.) I was admitted and kept in for two days running tests and giving me medications to get the blood pressure down. You know the routine, if you've ever been in a hospital; when you are discharged you must follow up with your primary car physician (PCP). So I did - reluctantly of course. His first response as a doctor was to talk about starting me on medication for high blood pressure, and began to list all the side effects. One of the side effects was decreased libido or low sex drive. Whoa? At my age; low sex drive is already a side effect. Why would I want to take medication willingly to make it even less? What would I tell my husband? I might as well become a NUN. (LOL)I refused which got him a bit unhappy with me. So I said, "OK; give me 2 weeks; if the pressure does not come down, I'll start on the medication.
Two weeks later, I returned for my follow-up; you guessed it...the blood pressure was 120/72. My doctor was curious about what I did, so I shared with him my natural remedy, which always includes prayer, by the way. He smiled and nodded in agreement, stating that the more one can do without pharmaceutical drugs the better.
I learned really quick that I needed to not only take some herb once in awhile, but that I needed to make some lifestyle changes. No longer could I just eat a bag of pretzels or popcorn whenever I wanted. I had to cut down on my salt intake, increase my water intake, detoxify my body.
Well, that is how 'A Touch of New Health' came about. After learning all about how to make the lfestyle changes using natural remedies, I studied as much as I could, and it has become a passion.
Let me help you with my phone counseling sessions or in person treatments to assist you in making these lifestyle changes. Whether you are younger or 'flashing' like me; man or woman with some health problems, lets talk....You too can enjoy a better quality of life.
O, O; look at the time; past my bedtime; till next time.


  1. I am now eligible to talk about hotfashes. HOW ABOUT THAT !!

  2. Well U know I meant flashes and not fashes.I am starting to go back to my vegetarian diet(no meat,no diary) and surprisingly,they are coming less frequent.Will share some other trials next time.

  3. Hey, you know I am still learning about this blogging, and missed your comment - just saw it:-( I agree the vegan diet helps minimize the hot flashes. So welcome to the hot-flash club, and together we can beat it. We are "WOMAN" we are strong.
