Friday, April 17, 2009


Well, it was about time!! Gorgeous day today, wasn't it? I have always said what I love about the North-East is the changing in the weather. You know, a few months of Summer- nice and hot. We can go to the beach, the pool; wear sandals - a good excuse to get those pedicures ladies. All those sexy outfits come out, with less and less clothes each day. Girls are salivating over the bare-chested, rip muscles on the guys; guys are tripping over themselves when the short skirts, 'daisy-dukes' or boobs are out. Don't know about you ladies, but I keep one eye on my man when we go out, all the while pretending not to notice the hot guys going by. (LOL). It is OK to look, everyone, not for too long with the tongues hanging out, but just enough to say - "DAMN!" and move on. Then I always turn to look at my man, and smile, cause he looks good too.
Just when we think we cannot stand another hot day, it's Fall, and the temperature is cooler. O, how I love those beautiful colors. My husband, Jon and I go on long drives just to savor those colors as the leaves change. We start with the north early in the fall, then once they''ve lost their leaves we go south. :-)
Winter; a bit cool, but it's refreshing for the first month or two. As I get older I want it to be over sooner; although the hot flashes help. They don't come as frequent anymore since my natural health changes. And I still do enjoy the beauty of a fresh snow fall. The air is crisp, everything has a glow - the ground, and the dried branches on the trees. The icicles hanging from the trees and some rooftops also take on an artistic form of their own.
Not to be outdone, if you do it right, even winter outfits can look sexy.
By the time spring comes around we are like, "Boy, I want some warmth!" This one is a strange one, with more rain and cold days; making us wonder if Spring is really here. The allergies and colds seem to be more frequent and intense. That is because we never know how to dress; one day we can leave the house with just a long sleeve shirt or blouse and the next day we need a sweater or jacket even. I took sometime today to get some garlic, tea and juices to my son & daughter who are both feeling a bit under the weather because of a bad cold. Did I say garlic? Yes indeed! Garlic is almost a wonder 'drug' in the world of natural health. By tomorrow they both should be feeling a whole lot better.
But back to Spring, today was almost 70 degrees, sunny and beautiful. The tree buds are poking their heads out; more green leaves are sprouting out on the trees; the air is fresher especially after the recent rain. It is almost as if God did some 'spring cleaning' :-) So, let's enjoy the earth that God made for His children; do good to others as you would have them do to you; love God & keep His commandments. God wants us to have a "more than abundant life" so lets gets healthy God's way - the natural way.
Have a blessed day all.

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