Monday, April 27, 2009


Wow! Did I sleep thru spring? It feels like summer is here. I enjoy the warm weather as much as anyone, but wow that was quick. I prefer a gradual change; how about you?
Are you all following the latest news about the flu epidemic in Mexico? Who would have thought the flu could be so deadly? Here is some of the news:
"WHO declares international concern over swine flu."
"GENEVA – The World Health Organization warned countries around the world Saturday to be on alert for any unusual flu outbreaks after a unique new swine flu virus was implicated in possibly dozens of human deaths in North America."
WHO Director-General Margaret Chan said the outbreak in Mexico and the United States constituted a "public health emergency of international concern."
Take precautions as with any other flu-like symptoms. Hand washing is a big one; keep your immunity up with plenty of Vitamin C, E and Cod Liver Oil.
Within the next 24 hours I will add a link to my website at: with more information from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO).
Stay safe.

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