Monday, April 13, 2009

Spring Blues

So Spring has sprung! We should be happy, right? Why aren't we? Well, it's the rain and the wind and the pollen and the 'A' word- allergies! Must we suffer like that every year after year after year?? Maybe not; there are natural remedies to relieve those pesky symptoms; herbal remedies without the side effects. Let us talk about it; see if it may help you.
Have you been told you have Diabetes, or maybe you have a family member with it? Are you doing everything you need to manage it; or is you blood sugar still creeping up slowly? Maybe you are in denial; and think you can still have that chunk of chocolate or cheese cake; maybe it's that apple pie thats calling your name. You may even be thinkng, 'Well, I cut out all the sugar, and cake but my sugar is still high or my leg ulcer will not heal.' Talk to me; let us work together to improve your health; find out what it is you need to stop doing or maybe it is something you should be doing. I can help you customize a diet plan.
Send me an email at: or visit my website -
I am a registered nurse with over 30 years of experience; I think I can safely say "I know what I am talking about." There is no magic or "hooky-pookism" to it. Just natural health and healing.
God bless.

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