Monday, June 15, 2009

Life & Relationships

Recently I was in a discussion about infidelity, and it became quite a war of words by email. Can you separate how you feel about affairs from the person having the affair? What if that person is a close relative? Can you still love that person, but hate their lifestyle? Well, my conclusion is that you can hate the lifestyle, but love the person. Infidelity, by anyone is wrong and not Biblical, but as Christians we can lovingly speak God's Word and encourage a change. Now what about infidelity if two people are not married but dating. While it may not be exactly the same thing, the two people have made a commitment to each other and the hurt and emotional pain it causes is just as raw and real.
To all those with questions, or those who may have been the victim of infidelity or even the one to be unfaithful, I want to refer you to an awesome book on the subject. "Love Life" by Ed Wheat, M.D.
Dr. Wheat refers to Genesis 2:24 "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave (cling/adhere to) unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh." The "two will actually become one." The following are a few very cool and accurate phrases from Dr. Wheat's book.
"Whatever is important to you in this life should be less important than your marriage." That means your business, career, sports, hobbies, children and yes even 'church work'. "Marriage begins with a leaving: leaving all other relationships."
"Anything that puts distance between you - mentally or physically - should be avoided because it breaks the divine pattern for marriage."
So for those of us who are married it is solemn reminder; for those planning to get marriage, and want a long, happy marriage, I suggest get Dr. Wheat's book, and start like he did in Genesis 1-3, and re-focus your thoughts to match God's plan for a marriage that works.

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