Sunday, August 9, 2009

Women's weekend Getaway

Well, well, well. I believe I speak for all of us when I say, we are still on a spiritual 'high' after our 'Women's Weekend Getaway', from Friday July 31st 2009 to Sunday August 2nd 2009. It was an awesome, inspiring, uplifting time. Twelve very exciting women, from PA, DE and NJ met in Delaware and caravaned in three separate vehicles to a beach house in southern Maryland.
We arrived there on Friday afternoon and settled in quickly and started off a 'Passion Party' by a guest host. Now for those of you who do not know what that is - 'google' it :-) That was a lot of fun and I sure learned some very interesting things.
Next was the 'fish-fry'. A few ladies who were assigned to do did a fabulous job and dinner was a success.
To wind down we had an ice-breaker/introduction game. Everyone wrote down three things about themselves; 2 were true and 1 false. The group then tried to guess which one was the false one. It was such a fun way to get to know each other. Some enjoyed a glass or 2 or 3 of their favorite wine. We went to bed between 1 and 2 am.
Saturday morning we were up and ready to start the day with anticipation. The plan was for a sunrise service on the beach, but after our late night we got to the beach a little after sunrise :-) That was just fine by us. We were all dressed in white from head to foot as we gathered on the pier. It was a spiritually uplifting time of song, prayer and God's matchless word. Each of the ladies took turns reading Proverbs 31:10-31 about the 'Virtuous Woman'; every one received a copy of those verses and a frame where they could insert their favorite picture so as to encourage and bless them to see themselves as a 'Virtuous Woman'. As one of the ladies described it later, "it was a time of anointing".
Breakfast was another great experience as we partook of 'Candia's special yam busicuits' Annie's banana bread, eggs, turkey bacon, coffee and tea.
The rest of the day included sharings and prayer and tears as we held hands on more than one occasion to lift specific things, believe together and speak in tongues for answers in our lives. My heart melted at the love each woman showed for God and His word; the heart to bless and encourage each other was so inspiring.
It was not all 'heavy stuff' like I like to call it; we laughed, danced watched a movie or two and had fun.
Dinner consisted of a healthy diet of 85% raw (vegetables) and 15% cooked (Salmon). Desert was a blend of fresh fruit smoothie which was very refreshing.
About an hour or so after dinner, we enjoyed a dance lesson with dance expert - Tiffanny, followed by a fun time of music and dancing together. The night ended with more sharings/prayer/counseling way into the early hours of the morning.
Sunday morning found us eager to return home to share all we had learned and to show off our changed lives. Each of us left a different woman than when we arrived.
A brief fellowship of singing, prayer and teaching from God's word left many in tears, over-whelmed with the love manifested in the room. Carolyn presented an awesome teaching on Ruth and Naomi - great women of God in the word.
After breakfast, we cleaned up, packed and loaded up and were on our way back home.
What an uplifting time, what a time of divine blessings and enrichment. I learned something from every single woman there - young and younger :-)
Our goal is to continue to encourage and build each other up with God's word. For the married ladies, we want to be the best wife, helpmeet and support to our husbands; to the single ladies we want to encourage keep picturing yourself in that role if that is what you are believing for. Let us not limit God in our lives; we are God's Virtuous Women.
We are what the Word of God says we are.
We have what the Word of God says we have.
We will be what the Word of God says we will be.
Add your comments/thoughts/blessings here, let us continue to share our experience. I know if I did not share, I would not be able to keep it all in.
God's love and richest blessings to all.