Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Gallbladder Surgery

Why are so many people having gallbladder surgery? Even in the medical field they ask themselves that question. They explain it away by saying that it is due to the Standard American Diet of fast foods and fatty diets. Gallstones form, or there is a back-up of bile or the gallbladder becomes inflamed or infected. It is a very uncomfortable feeling to say the least and many times causes excruciating pain. So, is surgery the best treatment course? Surgeons definitely seem to think so.
I personally believe in natural healing. My first choice is prayer with or without the healing touch. For the skeptics, I say "I'm just glad it works." Those who believe know and understand what I'm talking about. God's word is specific about healing, I am amazed that we miss it every time. We are human I guess and have doubts that it really works. Psalms 107:20 "He sent His Word and healed them...." We need to accept it and claim it. Don't say one thing and the next minute you are questioning your belief.
First of all, you need to take the first step as outlined in God's Word to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are born again. Romans 10: 9,10.
God's medicine is simple. It is to speak His word by mouth three times a day until healed. (1) Jesus is the Lord of my life. Sickness and disease have no power over me. Colossians 1:21,22. (2)Jesus bore my sins in His body on the tree; by His stripes I have been healed. I Peter 2:24; Romans 8:11. (3) God has forgiven me and healed all my diseases. Psalm 103:3. (4)I believe God's promises and claim them as my own. Jeremiah 30:17.
Then you must take believing action; don't just sit around and wait for the healing.
Manage your diet, make some changes and stick to it. Your body needs to be detoxified immediately. There are many ways to do so. One website I found is very informative and even sells natural products to help with that. Check it out:
Don't forget to come back and add your blog with comments or more questions.
My favorite is: It speaks specifically about "God's way to ultimate health". I have been to one of their centers and highly recommend it.
If you are looking for a peaceful atmosphere where you can meditate, and concentrate, focusing on your health, Hallelujah Acres is it. I accompanied my sister there and after one week she was healed. The second day I was there I was asked by the coordinators to minister healing to one of their employees. She later stated she started feeling better almost immediately but wanted to be absolutely sure before she said anything. The next day she said after 15 months of living in severe, crippling pain she woke up with no more pain.
If you need direction to work through your spiritual healing and physical health, healing, and wholeness, go to my website and fill out the questionnaire; email or print and mail it to me. I will work with you to customize a healing program for your life. It will include prayer and ministering (free of charge); then a program - God's way to maximize your health and quality of life.
Have a blessed day.
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all the mothers out there. Sorry I missed it.